Tuesday 30 December 2008

2008 in numbers

Well well well, 2008 has been a rough ride. The world went through a lot, and I really really believe 2009 will bring more hope and optimism. I don't mean just for me, I mean in general, in the world. But more about 2009 later.

Let's for one moment recap my 2008:

Number of 2008 resolutions kept: 4
- lose weight and make peace with the Ass a bit
- learn to speak a bit of Cantonese
- take up a hobby to do with drama
- do cultural stuff in HK

Number of blog posts (including this one, and tomorrow's one on resolutions): 74

Number of countries set foot in: 10
- Macau and Thailand in Feb (yes, I count Macau as a country mmkay?)
- US of A in April
- Philippines in May
- France and Britain in June
- China in September
- Vietnam in October
- Japan in November
- plus of course Hong Kong

Number of performances I took part in: 5

Number of friends who stayed on my couch: 6

Number of challenges taken part in: countless

Number of boys kissed: 3
- the Bar Guy (randomly met in a bar in May) - worst kisser ever
- the Lover (randomly met in a club in August) - not bad at all
- George (ahhhh, George, the secret relationship that lasted 2 months) - wins the prize of the best kisser, and not just of the year

Other notable achievements:
- Finally managed to get over le Poulet
- Keeping a job despite working in a company that got hit hard by the credit crunch.


Nicey said...

Sounds like a good year, I like the recap thang I am just off to do mine now ....
Happy New Year hun

Evie said...

2009 will be soooo much better though :-). Looking forward to your recap and to see how 2009 pans out for you..

Unknown said...

Only 3 guys kissed? So how many shagged?

Evie said...

Hmm, let's say somewhere between 1 and 3? :-)