Thursday 5 February 2009

The world has gone mad

Yesterday I felt like I was in the twilight zone.

1) First, I tried to sign up to a daily email newsletter but had to field extremely complicated questions to do it successfully. Because all I wanted was to receive the daily newsletter, but no spam. Seriously I think you need a PHD in quantum physics to work out which boxes you should tick to avoid receiving other carefully selected marketing materials.

Thank you for completing the registration forms. We would like to contact you from time to time with information about other products and services. You will be able to cancel this service at any time, but if you do not wish to take advantage of our targeted messages please tick this box: [box]
You might prefer to receive this information by email or fax, in which case please tick the box below:
By email [box] By fax [box]
Occasionally we would like to share your details with other companies whose products and services we consider might be useful to you in your business or career. If you would prefer not to be contacted with such messages please tick the boxes below:
By post [box] By phone [box]
And finally, you may prefer to receive messages from our carefully selected partners by fax or email and if so, please tick the boxes below:
By email [box] By fax [box]

2) Punished by the internet powers in place for (I hope) successfully avoiding the spam above, a few hours later I received a spam email from N*K*. It had an unsuscribe button, so I pressed it, and got a page with two options:

[box] Please remove my name from the N*K* e-mail list.
[box] On second thought, please keep my name on the N*K* e-mail list.

What kind of person would decide to unsuscribe, press the link, but faced with these two options start to panick and change their mind?? I think they should add a third box with "Ouhh I really don't know, let me call a friend".

3) I went to the posh supermarket City Super and heard a very alarming message over the PA system emitted with a Big Brother type voice: "The world is under threat. We have now installed some tills with no plastic bags. Please help us by reducing your plastic bag usage" or something like that. The world is under threat?? I take recycling and ecology very seriously, but I think this is a tiny bit exagerated.


Lola said...

This one made me laugh out loud. Hilarious! So did you stay on the mailing list?

Evie said...

I certainly do hope so :). So far no spam has arrived, fingers crossed..